Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I have been looking for the perfect

red shoes for a while now.

I can never seem to find a pair

that is the 'right' red in a

style that I like.

Then I saw these.....

I 'HAD' to have them!!

I just fell in.....

Happy HNT!!!!!


Dangerous Lilly said...

Those are GORGEOUS! And you totally rock in them. Honey just the shoes alone would get a man to submit! The photo of the shoes AND the paddle? Well, I bet you just stopped a lot of hearts with that one.

His_Baby_Doll said...

I am so in love with those shoes. HOT HOT HOT, and oh so pin-up girl. And that paddle, oh holy hell I need one of those!!

From Fantasy to Fruition said...

Fun site you got here!! Keep it up!

Hubman said...

Well long time, no see! I can't believe I'm going to say this...

Nice shoes! LOL

Happy HNT!

Coy Pink said...

Those shoes are great! Now I REALLY want a pair. I've had a browser window open to the link to those shoes ever since you sent it to me. Now I think I need to get myself to the store! SUPER SEXY!

Anonymous said...

they look great on you!

i want that LOVE paddle


Julie said...

Oh I love those shoes.... So sexy.

Nolens Volens said...

Lovely prop to accentuate your shoes. :) HHNT!

Anonymous said...

Those are sexy and so is the paddle! love this!

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

(Just sayin'.) :-)


Vixen said...

Those are fucking ROCKIN' shoes, Love!


raven said...

Nothing more stunning than a great pair of shoes on a gorgeous woman. grrrrrrrrrrowl. oh the things you'll be doing in those shoes

Anonymous said...

I love em. VERY SEXY!


XXOO miss you guys

Anonymous said...

Now those are a great pair of shoes! Love 'em!!! Happy HNT!

Moosekahl said...

Those are fabulous! Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

excellent shoes! love em very sexy!

Kimberly said...

Those are perfect shoes!! Just gorgeous!

Chapter Two said...

oh I love red... Definetly worth whatever you paid for them- even if it involved a paddle ;)